I neglected my two main sources of marketing for two months and here’s what happened.

Prior to the past couple months, Instagram and my newsletter have been my main sources of marketing, and I put a lot of pressure on myself to post and email consistently. But life happened and those priorities dropped on my list. I started a new full time job, and surprise - I’m pregnant! First trimester kicked me in the butt. But the longer I neglected my marketing strategies, the less I felt the need to keep up with them. Because, my business still moved on! Overall, I gained 22 Instagram followers and 5 email subscribers in the past two months- which is pretty good for me! I know this is because I have built my Instagram to showcase my best work, and I have built my website with lead magnets to bring people to my email list. In terms of sales, I stayed consistent with my sales from the beginning of the year. And I stayed busy with commissions and wedding paintings too. I still received consistent wedding painting inquiries and bookings.

The media that I was consuming was no longer centered around building a creative business or upping my marketing game. I had plenty of other things to worry about, but my business wasn’t one of them at this point. It’s been an amazing discovery. For weeks I felt bad that I wasn’t “showing up” for my business. But now that I have had time to reflect, I think this has been one of the best things for me. It has shown me that my hard work of the past three years has paid off. My goal with my business has always been to make it sustainable. And while I’ve been very close to burnout with my business the past couple months, it's been comforting to know that my business continued on despite my lack of energy to put into it! I do intend to bring my attention back to Instagram and my email list as my energy allows, and I am so thankful for all of you who have stuck around! I’ve missed this community so much, and I have some big ideas for the rest of the year!


A Letter to Wedding Photographers


How to Choose a Live Wedding Painter that is right for you!